In memory of Iain Winton 1951-2022
Radley Village Shop lost a much valued and important member of its team of volunteers when Iain Winton died in August at the comparatively young age of 71.
In his memory, Radley Village Shop Association has made a donation to St James the Great Church Radley, to which Iain contributed so much as a churchwarden. This donation matched the considerable sum contributed by shop volunteers and customers in a personal capacity, which was donated to the Gastroenterology Ward at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford where Iain was cared for during his final days.
It was only in June this year, at the Shop AGM, that Iain received his 10-year service award, a milestone he had reached in January 2022. He was elected to the committee in May 2013 and had been a cornerstone of the shop’s Operations Team ever since. He will be greatly missed by everyone.