Our members

Legal status
‘Radley Village Shop’ is the trading name of The Radley Village Shop Association Limited, a community co-operative and a Registered Society under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 (Registration number 30172R). The registered address is: The Village Shop, Catharine Court, Church Road, Radley, Oxfordshire OX14 3GN. Rules of The Radley Village Shop Association Limited

Become a member. You can apply for membership of The Radley Village Shop Association Limited whether you live in the village or feel an association with the village through friends, the church, the school, Radley College or even the pub, or if you are just a Radley ‘well-wisher’. Every penny raised helps to ensure the shop’s continued success. You can pick up a membership application form from the shop or download a copy here.

People who subscribe to the membership scheme:

  • are issued with one membership share for every £1 subscribed (minimum subscription 10 shares)
  • have a direct investment in the business
  • have a right to have a say in the management of the shop, for example, by attending the AGM

The entitlement to vote is one vote per member. This is irrespective of the amount subscribed. A summary of the objectives and rules of The Radley Village Shop Association Limited is provided on the back of the membership application form.

The Annual General Meeting of The Radley Village Shop Association Limited is held each year in May or June. Notices about the meeting are posted in the shop window, on the shop website, in the Radley News and on the village noticeboard. Copies of the AGM minutes and the shop’s end-of-year accounts from previous years are available on request.

Grants to local organisations
Under the constitution, members vote each year at the AGM on the committee’s recommendation for the use of any surplus profits. These can either be re-invested into the shop’s future or given in grants to local organisations for projects with a social or charitable purpose within the community served by Radley Village Shop.  Grants have been awarded to local organisations every year since 2012. Recipients of grants

Grants totalling £1,500 now available Download an application form
Closing date for applications is 31 August 2024.

Co-operatives UK certified member logoThe Radley Village Shop Association Limited is a member of Co-operatives UK.



Shop buys defibrillator for village
At the AGM in May 2015, members unanimously approved the committee’s proposal to pay for one of the three public access defibrillators to be installed in Radley by the Parish Council.
More about the defibrillator

Grant from the Vale of the White Horse District Council 
Radley Village Shop is grateful to the Vale of the Whit
e Horse District Council for the award of a Vale Capital Community Grant in 2014 of £4730 towards the cost of a major refurbishment project. This involved replacing the chillers with more energy-efficient ones, a new purpose-built counter with integral storage for cigarette and tobacco products to meet new legislation, and the installation of a self-service hot drinks machine.

Purchase of lease
In February 2011, The Radley Village Shop Association Limited bought the lease of the shop premises, securing the future of the shop for Radley. This purchase was made possible with the help of a grant from Southern Oxfordshire Leader (part of the Government’s Rural Development Programme for England administered by the South East England Development Agency). Announcement of purchase