Category: About the shop

The Shop has a new phone number!

Radley Village Shop’s new phone number is 07394 978994 Its old phone number will stop working very soon, so please make a note of our new number. We’re busy notifying our suppliers, etc and will be updating our signage as soon as we can.            

Thumbs up from Vale’s Covid Compliance team

Two Covid Compliance Marshals from the Vale of the White Horse District Council visited the Shop on Monday 1st February to check Covid-19 guidelines were being followed. As with a similar visit in January, the team had no concerns about what we were doing to keep customers and staff safe. They called at a time

High Sheriff visits Radley Village Shop

Radley Village Shop was very pleased to welcome the High Sheriff of Oxfordshire, Amanda Ponsonby, and her husband Rupert to the shop on 4 December 2020 as part of her tour to show support for local shops in the county. They chatted to the volunteers on duty and left a Christmas card for all at