Christmas 2024 at Radley Village Shop

Happy Christmas from Radley Village Shop We’ve got: Advent calendars (while stocks last) Yule Logs Tubs of Roses, Quality Street and Celebrations Chocolate selection boxes, chocolate oranges, novelty chocolates Boxes of biscuits Jars of mincemeat (including gluten-free) Boxes, bags and tubes of sweets Books of 2nd class Christmas stamps Christmas cards (above the newspapers) Christmas

The Shop has a new phone number!

Radley Village Shop’s new phone number is 07394 978994 Its old phone number will stop working very soon, so please make a note of our new number. We’re busy notifying our suppliers, etc and will be updating our signage as soon as we can.            

Grants awarded to local organisations from 2023 profits

Successful organisations from the recent round of applications for grants from the Shop’s 2023 profits were: 1st Radley Brownies 1st Radley Guides 8th Abingdon Rainbow Guide Unit Friends of Radley Primary School New Neighbours Team, c/o Radley Church Radley Lakes Trust Radley WI Radley Youth Football Team These grants are awarded to organisations with a