£50 notes no longer accepted

The shop is no longer prepared to accept any £50 notes.  We regret having to do this, but we unwittingly accepted another counterfeit £50 note recently and aren’t prepared to suffer any more losses in this way.  Note that Guidance from the Bank of England is that shop owners can choose what form of payment

Shop to start charging for plastic bags

From 1 October 2019, Radley Village Shop will be charging customers 5p for a plastic carrier bag provided by the shop. The charge will apply to both the small and standard size size of bag. The money collected from this charge will be given at the end of each year to a local organisation or

Shop pays off mortgage on premises early

In November 2017 Radley Village Shop Association used money from its reserves to pay off the outstanding balance on the mortgage taken out six years ago to buy the lease of the shop premises. The shop’s success over the past 10 years in achieving an annual surplus had enabled it to build up significant reserves.